
I took up photography as a serious hobby in the early 80’s and have been a member of Peterborough Photographic Society ever since joining in 1981. 

I am interested in all facets of photography, having dabbled in both Monochrome & Colour Printing, but more widely known for my derivative and creative work formerly in the darkroom in slides but now having gone over to Digital imaging both in the taking and the output, and for wide angle shots of fungi in habitat.

I gained the associateship distinction of the RPS in 1991 with a submission of a panel of Pictorial Slides in the Visual Arts section. I gained the distinction of AFIAP in 1990 having participated for 5 years entering their International Exhibitions both in the United Kingdom and abroad and 3 years later gained the EFIAP distinction. During that 8 year period having had over 250 acceptances and won over 30 awards in International Exhibitions, and have continued my success with hundresd of further acceptances since then.

I have also been entering the British Photographic Exhibition circuit for many years and having achieved over 350 acceptances and 25 awards to gain the BPE5* distinction.

I am active as both a lecturer for the East Anglian Federation and the North & East Midlands Photographic Federation - taking my print and slide lectures to Camera Clubs all over the Country. I also available to judge competitions and exhibitions, anything from a monthly club competition to a Major International as a member by invitation of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Judges Panel.

I fulfil upwards of 50 of these engagements every year. I have also found time over the past 10 years to be an executive member of the North & East Midlands P.F. committee.

In 1998 the Alliance awarded me the prestigious APAGB distinction for my Services to Club Photography, and I have since obtained a further distinction of theirs by submission of a panel of slides.

Four years ago I finally took the plunge and bought a 35mm Digital Body to compliment my lenses from my Film Cameras – which has given me a whole new lease of life in Photography  as I can just keep taking pictures and those that are not up to it you delete once viewed on my PC.

Photographically I am too busy to do everything I would like too, but have always been fascinated by computers. More recently I am found pouring over a PC manipulating my images. My work is now mostly enhanced in PHOTOSHOP – the photographic industry benchmark for graphics software – to such an extent that I am now regarded as an expert and regularly give lectures and tutorials on the subject.

Output is either as Prints using an Inkjet Printer, or to Slides produced commercially form the digital files for my exhibition entries.

Lately I have been working in Audio Visuals with Pro Show Producer supported by the PHOTODEX Corporation to produce Digitally projected shows of my pictures put to music – and have added a lecture on the subject to my folio.

I use the medium of photography as a comparison to being an Artist who does not have the dexterity or the time to paint or draw what is essentially co-ordination of eye to hand, but pushes the shutter release to capture the image.

It is a medium open to anyone and requires no exceptional faculty of hand or mind. Yet there is a profound difference between a good photographer and someone that simply aims a camera at the world and presses the shutter. This difference is partly intuition, partly imagination, and trained perception.

One of my images taken over 20 years ago ‘Through the Looking Glass’ – believe it or not a straight picture of my then two small children Louise and Katherine taken inside an inflatable coloured tube display in our local country park. it was acceptanced in 140 exhibitions all over the world winning many awards before I retired it a few years ago – so I now strive to take further pictures that will emulate that success.